Forecasting and analysis to plan for the employment needs of places and local and regional economies.

Employment needs and opportunities are constantly evolving due to economic, technological, environmental and social changes. This requires an agile approach to planning, education and business and a tailored approach for each project, not a ‘business as usual’ projection.

We provide insights and analysis to plan for employment needs in metropolitan and regional economies. We prepare analysis of employment trends, projections, land and floorspace demand and industry shifts to inform land use plans and policies at the regional, municipal, precinct and activity centre levels.

We provide detailed analysis of the implications of economic and employment trends for economic development strategies and investment attraction plans, including identifying areas of specialisation and competitive advantage. Our analysis also informs strategies for workforce development, skills gaps and education requirements.

We take a considered and strategic approach to employment planning, through our understanding of macroeconomics, business and industry trends, economic agglomerations, labour-force characteristics, mobility, demography, infrastructure and supply and demand dynamics.

Our expertise is often applied to analysis of particular land use sectors or locations, such as office market analysis, industrial land demand and supply, and identifying the optimal economic role of an activity centre, precinct or town.


Employment modelling/ projections

Demand and supply analysis

Office market assessment

Economic and business trends

Spatial land use analysis


Structure Plans

Precinct Structure Plans

Activity Centre Strategies

Employment Strategies

Economic Development Strategies

Industrial Strategies

Investment Master Plans

Inform policy

Market and Development Assessment



“Tonight, Council adopted the strategy and expressed its appreciation for your work and that of the economic development team. A great result and suitable acknowledgment of your work and the process for developing the Strategy”

— City of Yarra