Economic analysis to inform planning and investment decisions for retail centres.
Urban Enterprise provides a range of services relating to retail planning based on our skills, expertise and experience across planning, economics and tourism.
We prepare economic assessments of the scale and type of supportable floorspace within an activity centre, catchment or precinct which often informs strategic plans and strategies. This includes expenditure modelling, demographic analysis, competition analysis, land and floorspace supply and consideration of other factors such as the role of the visitor economy, on-line spending and property market conditions.
Our services extend to the preparation of retail strategies, Economic Impact Assessments and Net Community Benefit assessments.
Paul Shipp provides expert evidence in respect of retail matters to Planning Panel and VCAT hearings.
Retail expenditure modelling
Catchment and competition analysis
Demand and supply analysis
Supportable floorspace analysis and projections
Retail impact assessment
Tourism and hospitality analysis
Structure plans
Activity centre strategies
Retail strategies
Economic impact assessments
Development advice
Economic development