Analysis of housing markets, social and demographic trends and implications for planning and development.
Understanding demographic characteristics and trends of a community is critical to planning for current and future housing needs. Every community is different and there are global and local changes occurring which are important to capture in strategies and plans.
We have a wide range of experience analysing demographic and socio-economic characteristics of places and communities across urban, peri-urban, regional centre and rural areas. This experience is applied to housing strategies, strategic plans and residential land demand and supply assessments to ensure that planning and other actions respond to housing and land needs.
Importantly, our approach to these issues closely considers housing and demographic segmentation. Housing needs vary considerably across different household type, income, age, cultural and lifestyle cohorts and segments and are also influenced by other factors such as investment conditions, property market forces and tourism. Population attraction and retention is also a critical issue for many regional and rural areas – we have closely analysed and advised on this issue for a range of clients with applications across population and settlement policy and economic development strategies.
Our specialists combine qualifications across economics, property and planning to advise on these issues, including providing expert evidence to planning hearings.
Demographic profiling
Population and demographic trends and projections
Housing needs assessment and market segmentation
Housing affordability assessment
Residential land demand and supply assessment
Housing and Settlement Strategies
Structure Plans
Urban Design Frameworks
Rezoning, planning scheme amendments and panel hearings
Population policy and strategy
Economic Development Strategies
Our staff are members of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) and have had involvement with the PIA Victoria Committee.
“Thanks again for all your work it has been extremely useful for the project and in other Council work.”
— Moyne Shire Council