Expert, practical and evidence-based advice for infrastructure funding mechanisms.
We are an industry leader in Victoria in the preparation, review and administration of Development Contributions Plans (DCPs) and Infrastructure Contributions Plans (ICPs), and other infrastructure funding mechanisms such as public open space contributions, parking contributions, authority charge schemes and section 173 agreements.
We have more than 30 years’ experience in this field and provide advice to State Government, Councils and the private sector. We have been closely involved in the review of development contributions in Victoria which is informing the roll-out of the new ICP system.
Matt Ainsaar and Paul Shipp regularly provide expert evidence at Planning Panels, Advisory Committee Hearings and VCAT in relation to infrastructure funding.
We have also developed DevCAP (Development Contributions Accounting Program). Utilising our extensive experience in this field, DevCAP provides a user friendly solution to administer and implement development contributions.
ICP & DCP preparation and review
Strategic analysis of infrastructure funding options
Financial modelling of infrastructure funding outcomes
Governance and administration advice
Expert evidence
Development Contributions Plans
Infrastructure Contributions Plans
Public open space contributions
Inform infrastructure funding and open space policy
Expert evidence at Planning Panel Hearings and VCAT Hearings
We are members of:
Property Council of Australia (PCA)
Urban Development Institute of Victoria (UDIA)
Planning Institute of Victoria (PIA)
“From a consultant perspective, Urban Enterprise were the pioneers for strategic thinking surrounding infrastructure delivery and your models have set the foundations for many strategic plans being delivered across metropolitan growth areas”
— Whiteman Property and Accounting
“A comprehensive and professional piece of evidence”
— City of Melbourne