We prepare Strategic Plans such as land use masterplans, structure plans and broad land use strategies for precincts and regions.
Our approach to land use planning is to integrate an understanding of the need for each land use based on research and analysis, including an understanding of the property market conditions and infrastructure requirements for an area. We use detailed analysis and consultation to identify spatial layouts and locations which optimise economic, social and environmental outcomes.
Our GIS and graphic design specialists present high quality land use plans, maps and infographics to communicate planning options and recommendations.
We adopt best practice planning principles and apply an understanding of relevant planning policies and planning schemes to ensure that our plans can be successfully implemented. We also prepare planning policies to implement the findings of strategies.
In addition to leading the preparation of strategic land use plans, we regularly prepare specialist inputs to plans prepared by others across our various specialisations and services. This provides us with a detailed understanding of how our work informs planning outcomes and of the variety of planning challenges and opportunities across Victoria and Australia.
Research and analysis
Property market assessments
Infrastructure requirements
GIS spatial analysis
Preparation of maps, land use plans and Infographics
Structure Plans and Urban Design Frameworks
Settlement Strategies
Housing Strategies
Activity Centre Strategies
Employment Land Strategies
Rural Land Use Strategies
Our staff are members of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) and have had involvement with the PIA Victoria Committee.
“Thanks again for all your work it has been extremely useful for the project and in other Council work.”
— Moyne Shire Council